Healthy Living Blog
Your gastrointestinal health is our number one priority. A healthy gut plays a vital role in your overall well-being. Explore the GI Specialists’ Healthy Living Blog for answers to common questions, advice, and support in your quest to achieve and maintain your optimum health.

The Cost of a Routine Colonoscopy at a Hospital vs. a Standalone Facility
The Cost of a Routine Colonoscopy at a Hospital vs. a Standalone Facility

When I drink milk I feel bloated and gassy. Could I be lactose intolerant?
The main sugar found in milk and other dairy products is called lactose. Some people don’t have enough lactase, which is the enzyme needed to break down the sugar for digestion.

Exactly what are hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids are normal veins that are located at the opening of the rectum and that over a period of time, become dilated and stretched and often are associated with bleeding, rectal pain and rectal itching.

I am having trouble swallowing my food. What could be wrong?
Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) has numerous potential causes. Just a few are: infections of the esophagus, narrowing of the esophagus from chronic acid reflux, and rarely tumors.

I still have gallbladder pain after surgery. Can it grow back?
I had my gallbladder removed 8 years ago. Recently, I have had symptoms just like before my surgery. Can the gallbladder grow back?

Can you explain alcoholic liver disease?
Alcoholic liver disease involves an inflamed liver induced by years of alcohol consumption. This can lead to cirrhosis, which causes tissues and cells in the liver to be replaced by scar tissue.

What kind of immunization is necessary for hepatitis?
Hepatitis is an infection of the liver. Common forms include hepatitis a, b, c, d, e and g. There are vaccines for hepatitis a and b; no vaccine is available for hepatitis c.

My doctor thinks I have an “irritable bowel.” What does that mean?
If you have constipation (frequently associated with abdominal discomfort and/or bloating), diarrhea, or alternating symptoms (constipation at times, diarrhea at others) you may have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Are all polyps early cancer?
I recently had a colonoscopy and had several polyps removed, although my doctor said I was fine. Are all polyps early cancer?

Can Aspirin cause stomach ulcers?
My doctor suggested I take a baby aspirin daily to help protect my heart. I have heard that aspirin can cause stomach ulcers. How will I know if I have an ulcer?

At what age should I get screened for colon cancer?
At what age should I get screened for colon cancer?

I had rectal bleeding from hemorrhoids; should I be concerned?
I had rectal bleeding recently that I think is from hemorrhoids; should I be concerned?

I have passed some black stool. Is this unusual?
Stool color is sometimes an important sign of abnormalities within the GI track. Black colored stool is caused by three main things: Pepto-Bismol, iron pills, or blood.

What is pancreatitis?
The pancreas is the organ that is located in the abdominal cavity behind the stomach. Its primary function is to make hormones such as insulin and digestive enzymes.

Is diverticulosis the same thing as diverticulitis?
I just had a colonoscopy and my doctor said I had diverticulosis. Is that the same thing as diverticulitis?

I am healthy, 32 years old with chest pain. Could it be acid reflux?
Regardless of age and health status, anyone with chest pain should seek medical attention immediately so that appropriate testing can be done to rule out heart disease.

My spouse was recently diagnosed with Hepatitis C. Is it likely that I am also infected?
Hepatitis C is a viral illness cause by Hepatitis C virus, usually spread through contact with infected blood or through sex with an infected person and from mother to baby during childbirth.

I have a long history of heartburn and my physician told me I could have Barrett’s Esophagus. What is this?
This is a condition in which the inner lining of the esophagus is replaced by tissue that is similar to the lining of the intestine, a process called intestinal metaplasia.

I have had diabetes for many years. Now I have been told it is affecting my stomach.
What you most likely have is diabetic gastroparesis, a motility disorder that causes delayed stomach emptying. Symptoms include nausea, bloating and fullness.

My friend was told that he was at “high risk for colorectal cancer.” What does that mean?
If you have a close relative with colorectal cancer, especially at a younger age, or history of colon polyps (since colon cancer begins with certain types of polyps), your risk of developing colon cancer is higher and you may need a colonoscopy.