Healthy Living Blog
Your gastrointestinal health is our number one priority. A healthy gut plays a vital role in your overall well-being. Explore the GI Specialists’ Healthy Living Blog for answers to common questions, advice, and support in your quest to achieve and maintain your optimum health.

One of my parents was recently treated for an ulcer with antibiotic. I didn’t know antibiotics were a standard treatment for ulcers.
Recently, physicians have found that nearly 90 percent of patients with duodenal ulcers have Helicobacter Pylori infection in the stomach as well.

How many bowel movements per day are considered normal?
The normal range extends from having 3 bowel movements per day to 3 per week. Many factors affect this number, like fiber intake, physical activity and certain medications.

What is a Gastroenterologist?
A Gastroenterologist is a physician with dedicated training in the management of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas and the liver.