(Feeding Tubes)

A percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) is a procedure to place a feeding tube. These feeding tubes are often called PEG tubes or G tubes. The tube allows you to receive nutrition directly through your stomach. This type of feeding is also known as enteral feeding or enteral nutrition.

Reasons to Perform PEG (Feeding Tubes):
You may benefit from a PEG tube if you have difficulty swallowing (dysphagia). Causes of dysphagia may include:

Feeding tubes may also be useful if you have a condition that interferes with how your body processes nutrition. For example, you may benefit from a PEG tube if you have cystic fibrosis or receive dialysis for kidney failure. Someone in a coma may receive a PEG tube to help keep them alive.

What happens before percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy?

Before surgery, you’ll meet with your surgeon to discuss the procedure. You need to tell your provider if you have any heart conditions, bleeding risks or medication allergies.

Depending on your health and underlying conditions, you may need to make medication adjustments. Your healthcare team may recommend changes to:

Don't eat or drink at least eight hours before the surgery. You also need to arrange a ride home after surgery.

What happens during percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy?

Most healthcare providers place PEG tubes with endoscopic surgery. Endoscopic procedures use small incisions and a long, flexible instrument called an endoscope.

On the day of surgery, you receive intravenous (IV) anesthesia and antibiotics. The anesthesia ensures that you remain calm and numb during the procedure. The antibiotic prevents infection.

You may also receive a local anesthetic. A local anesthetic is an injection of numbing medicine. You receive this injection near where your surgeon makes the incision.

During percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy, your provider:

  1. Makes a small incision in your upper abdomen.

  2. Places the tube through the incision.

  3. Connects the tube to your stomach.

The entire procedure only takes around 20 to 30 minutes. Usually, you can return home the same day or the next morning.

What happens after percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy?

You’ll feel some pain after a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy. This pain might be from the incision. Or you might have cramping from gas buildup in your digestive system. This pain should decrease within 24 to 48 hours.

You’ll have a bandage over the incision site. You may see some drainage around the incision for up to 48 hours. Usually, your surgeon will give you instructions to remove the bandage after one to two days.

After the area around your feeding tube heals, you’ll meet with a dietitian. This specialist explains how to use the PEG tube and starts you on enteral nutrition.

Can you see the PEG tube outside the body after surgery?

Yes. PEG tubes are about the size of a pen or pencil. You’ll see 6 to 12 inches of the tube coming out of the incision area. Around the tube is a disc called an external bumper. This bumper prevents the tube from going further into your stomach.

At the end of the feeding tube is a small cap or plug. This plug prevents stomach acid or contents from leaking onto your skin or clothes. You can open this plug to receive food, water or medications.
