
Cellvizio® enables physicians to monitor the progression of disease over time, assess point-in-time reactions as they happen in real time, classify indeterminate areas of concern, and guide surgical interventions.

The Cellvizio Platform combines a Laser Scanning Unit and a processor utilizing proprietary software. It is used with a range of flexible Confocal MiniprobesTM.

Reasons to Perform Cellvizio:

  • Passes through the channel of the endoscopy scope, touching the tissue and capturing an image at the cellular level

  • Helps detect Barrett’s esophagus sooner

  • Helps detect the progression of Barrett’s to cancer earlier

  • Detect cancer much more rapidly

  • Prevent more people from dying of esophageal cancer

  • The procedure is covered by Medicare, Medicaid, and most insurance plans

  • Heartburn can lead to cancer

The Cellvizio flexible Confocal Miniprobes are inserted into the operating channel of any endoscope, much like the manner in which biopsy forceps are used.

They are compatible with standard reprocessing methods.

A wide range of probes is available for a variety of medical applications in gastroenterology, pulmonology and urology.

Confocal Imaging:

Cellvizio Images come from a thin focal plane that is optically projected into the tissue. This provides a deep observation of the mucosa and what is happening in the cells in real time.